About Us

   This website is used to manage your public groups in WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. which can be filtered by category, location, language, keywords and so on. If you need to send messages to a large number of people, you can use our bulk WhatsApp service. You can use our direct chat if you can send a text without saving your phone number.

Key Features

  • ♦  Anybody can post his WhatsApp groups in Joinmygroups. Create group
  • ♦  People will visit your group. If interested they will join directly. They can like, share and follow favorite Groups.
  • ♦  Find and filter groups by language, category, location, keywords, joining type, group rules, etc.
  • ♦  You can save your favourite groups by using add to favourite option
  • ♦  Join any group directly on WhatsApp from JoinMyGroups. Your WhatsApp group will be visible to Google search results. It will improve your public visitors and improve your business, publicity, etc.

Who we are?

We're a team of well-experienced software developers at Yaabitech Software Solutions. JoinMyGroups is one of Yaabitech's products. It is created by people who want to gather like-minded people from all over the world in order to connect them all with their interests, favourite fields, and to create and join public groups.

Many people run WhatsApp and Telegram groups all over the world. They run groups for a variety of reasons. News groups, knowledge sharing groups, discussion groups, job groups, government exam preparation groups, technology groups, company and official groups, blood donation and charity groups, gaming groups, and so on.

Many businesses and people want to run public groups. Now it's very easy to share a single link to everyone if you run any number of groups.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome. We provide frequent updates on a regular basis based on public feedback and suggestions.


To connect like-minded people across the world.


To create a directory of all WhatsApp groups, Telegram groups, and other social media groups in all languages, categories, and locations.